Black Lives Matter

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June 16, 2020

To the Washington state and greater communities at large:

We, the board of Puget Sound Pagan Pride, express our unequivocal support for the black community. We stand with all people of color and those who are fighting to correct more than 200 years of systemic and institutional racism and white supremacy plaguing this nation.

Silence is violence. George Floyd, Manuel Ellis, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Emerald Black, and countless others are victims of a flawed judicial system, tainted by ingrained ignorance and prejudice. It’s an institution that has promised reforms, but has not delivered results in a meaningful way. We cannot fix this system without extraordinary measures, nor without people of all colors joining together to stand against brutality, racism, and injustice. We are not silent while too many ignore the message of Black Lives Matter. 

As people of faith and conscience, we believe a definitive statement is necessary and important in the community we serve. We strongly encourage all faith leaders to come forward with support. Silence is violence. BLACK LIVES MATTER.

Signed by the collective board of Puget Sound Pagan Pride